Last year, I made a handful of these rings, but I didn’t make quite enough, and so I promised I would bring them back in a year. And this January, a little bowl of faceted, Hessonite garnets found its way to my bench. These gemstones have such a wonderful glow. They drink the light and hold it in their bellies.

When I was young, I was utterly jealous of January babies for their beautiful birthstone. While I’ve come to love peridot, I still revel in the good fortune of anyone with born during this month. I mean, my goodness… garnet swallows up light and breathes out fire. It is warm and bright, moody and dark, all at the same time. Saturated, heart-racing magic. I couldn’t help by make a few big handfuls of these rings!

The subtle hue variations in these garnets is so lovely to see all together. Some are sultry wine red, and others a raucous, fiery red. Some are faceted to catch and throw the light, others are so smooth they look like liquid cherry. Some have inclusions and surface crackles, others are perfectly milky with nothing but pure red inside. What a joy it has been to work with these stones.

Valentine Rings
There will be 52 rings available.
Price: $124 per ring
Sizes: 5, 5.25, 5.25, 5.5, 5.5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25, 6.25,
6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.75, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
8.25, 8.5, 8.5, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9, 9, 9, 95, 9.5, 9.5, 9.75, 10, 10.25, 10.5, 11

These particular garnets have soaked up their whole designated month. And as such, their timing feels perfect. The rich red of the gemstones, the silver inverted heart walls keeping them in place feel positively meant for Valentines Day.

Also, thank you again to everyone who left requested ring sizes. I wrote them all down, and though I don’t think made exactly enough for everyone who commented, I did make a whole bunch (over four dozen!) in the most asked-for sizes. Remember these fit true to size.

They will of course still be first come first served to give everyone a fair crack, but your letting me know ring sizes makes it so much more likely that everyone will find their perfect, cherry red Valentine.

Valentine Ring Collection Release: Sunday, January 30th at 7PM EST in the Etsy shop