When we lost our beloved cat a while back, I knew I wanted to honor her through jewelry and help others like her.

She was my constant companion. She spent endless hours with me in the studio over the years, watched many of your rings, necklaces, and earrings be made from start to finish.

Snoozing in the sunshine, determined not to be more than five feet away from me.

She came to us late in her life, already a senior.

And it was an honor to love on her for the last years of her life.

And so now that our pain has eased a bit and her absence is less overwhelming, 20 rings made in her honor, one for every year she spent on this earth snuggling, napping, and begging for vegan butter.

These rings are made with rutilated quartz, beautiful clear gemstones with hair-like rutiles of various hues floating through the stones.

Some are black and coarse like whiskers, others soft and wispy, like kitten fluff.

And on either side of the stones are little wobbly whisker engravings in the rectangle band.

Eternal reminders of our companion animals, like ever present bits of cat and dog hair that is impossible to get rid of!

The sizes are listed as read on the mandrel.
Sizes available will be:
4.5, 5, 5.75/6, 6.25, 6.25, 6.5, 7, 7, 7,
7.25, 7.5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8.5, 8.5, 8.5, 8.75, 9

Since the stone sits right atop the finger they are very stable and won’t spin as easily.

Rings to remember those companions of our hearts.
And even more fitting, these were finished just in time for Giving Tuesday. And so a portion of the proceeds from this collection will be donated to a rescue I support that cares for abandoned senior pets.

This collection will purr its way into the SHOPIFY shop
at 4:00 p.m. EST.
Click here for a direct link to where they will appear.
And remember, refresh your page often once the clock strikes 7:00 PM EST, until they all appear.
(Another quick reminder! If you are looking for any jewelry from older collections, everything that is still available has been moved to Etsy in time for the Christmas season.
So you can older pieces over there. And there is currently a little “Thank You” sale running as well. Everything on Etsy is 25% off for another day or so. Cheers!)
❤︎ Click here to Visit the Etsy Shop for Jewelry from Past Collections ❤︎